Asset Tracking System

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Six Ways To Work Through a Volatile Market

Let’s rewind back to the start of 2016. Wall Street and the U.S. stock market was off to its worst start of a new year in all of history. But what exactly happened? Well, to start, oil prices then dropped to an all-time low in 12 years, which coincidentally happened before the media released that oil producing countries were ready…

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hands on pen and paper

Focus Areas For Sucessful Financial Advisors

As we have mentioned before, financial advising today is much different than what it used to be. The questions asked by advisors back in the day were ones that were centered around yielding large gains, but those questions were rarely answered with consistency. These questions are still debated throughout the media to this day — questions like: Where is the…

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Common Investing Mistakes to Avoid

If you’re reading this blog, chances are good you’ve had some experience with financial investing. In fact, you may even be a financial advisor who tells people what to do with their money. You may already be aware of the most common mistakes that investors make, but whether you are or not, it is important to review them so they…

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Common Acronyms of the Investment World

The investment world is a bit like the medical one; we’ve got lots of acronyms! While shortening long terms to their first letters makes it easier to get through a conversation or email, it can have the opposite effect if you don’t know what those acronyms actually mean. We’ve all found ourselves tripping over multiple collections of letters and feeling…

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