Algorithmic Trading System

man on a laptop

The Benefits of Using Automated Trading Systems

July 25, 2018

When financial investors and traders look to develop their skills and look to take advantage of more and more investment strategies, it often can be overwhelming and stressful. This is where automated trading systems come in to play. This allows computers to monitor and execute trades on behalf of the…

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Man on computer and phone looking at financial charts

How To Begin Trading With Trading Software

July 14, 2018

If you have been involved in trading for a while, more likely than not, you have probably heard about trading software. Trading software have the reputation of a way to quickly make money, however, it is also a notorious way to lose a significant amount of money. In fact, many…

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Charts with a clipboard on a laptop

A Look At The Buy and Hold Investment Strategy

July 13, 2018

When it comes to investment strategies, the buy-and-hold strategy has perhaps been the holy grail. When done properly, buy and hold investing seems to be the most effective strategy for investors. While there are advantages to using this investment strategy, it certainly has its share of flaws. In fact, in…

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hands on laptop

How To Construct An Ideal Risk-Adjusted Portfolio

June 27, 2018

Portfolio management is much more than making a bunch of decisions about investments — it is an art. To be more in depth, portfolio management is the art of making the correct, risk-adjusted, investment decisions that fit an investor or advisors specific time horizon. Just like with any art, in…

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Hands on keyboard

A Beginners Guide to Algorithmic Trading

April 24, 2018

The term ‘algorithmic’ has blossomed into a word that seems to be popping up everywhere these days. We see the term used in relation search engines, spreadsheets, and now the financial industry. In stock trading, algorithmic trading — also referred to as algo trading, automated trading, or robo trading is…

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calculator close up

Common Types of Algorithmic Trading Strategies

February 23, 2018

The term algorithmic trading refers to any trading activity carried out with the help of an automated computer system. It refers to a number of approaches to both trading and investing. While there are various approaches to algorithmic trading, they all share certain traits. One trait they share is that…

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bear and a bull

An Investor’s Ultimate Guide To Bear and Bull Markets

February 21, 2018

As many investors know, a stock market trend is very unpredictable. The stock market is constantly fluctuating, swinging back and forth, leaving investors and advisors with either market gains or market losses. With an ever-changing market, it is up to investors to take advantage of a trend. A successful advisor…

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City skyline in winter

Are There Season Patterns In Stock Markets

January 29, 2018

Just like with almost everything people do, trading also has a seasonal cycle component to it. Seasonality, while challenging to explain, can be used to a traders advantage. Defined as the repetitive and predictable movement around the trend like, short-, mid-, and long-term traders alike can put seasonality to good…

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