Financial Management Software

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Reason’s Financial Advisors Should Have An Investment Philosophy

An investor without an investment philosophy is like a car without an engine. Without a convincing, evidence-based set of beliefs about the markets and how to invest in them, risks capital loses. Reason’s Financial Advisors Should Have An Investment Philosophy For financial advisors, an investment philosophy can have a large impact on the success of their practice. In this blog,…

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The Risks Associated With Portfolio Rebalancing

One of the biggest questions in the investment world with no sure answer is ‘when should investors rebalance their portfolios?’. Many financial experts recommend rebalancing your portfolio at least once a year. Others will recommend rebalancing once each equator. No matter how often an investor rebalances their portfolio, the idea behind it is that they decide in advance what their…

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hands on laptop keyboard

A Quick Guide To Backtesting For Traders

One of the best ways to determine how well a trading strategy will perform is by backtesting. Backtesting is a vital component of the development of an effective trading system. Backtesting uses historical market data to reconstruct trades that would have taken place in the past using rules set by a given strategy. As a result, backtesting offers statistics that…

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man on phone looking at multiple screens

Three Myths About Investment Portfolio Software

Whether it is for managing their own personal portfolio or a client’s portfolio, many investors are recognizing the increasingly sophisticated market environment, and are choosing to explore investment management software as a way to streamline information and processes. Although we are surrounded by technology, many firms and investors are fearful of the old stereotypes on the limitations of investment portfolio…

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Common Myths of Algorithmic Trading

With the emergence of new technologies, it becomes crucial to have an understanding of the concepts related to it, otherwise , it can lead to mistakes that result in losses. Algorithmic trading is one trend in the investment world that has experienced rapid growth and therefore surrounded by many myths arising due to misinformation and lack of clarity. In this…

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Holding a phone with stocks on screen

Tips For Building The Ideal Investment Portfolio

If you have followed our blog or a financial advisor or investor, you already know that an investment portfolio is generally a collection of the assets that are owned by individuals or managed by financial advisors. In order for these portfolios to be successful, diversification is essential in every field and it is important for advisors to keep their client’s…

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hand holding phone and other hand on laptop keyboard

Common Asset Allocation Mistakes Made By Investors

Asset allocation is the process of spreading or diversifying investments across a range of various asset classes and geographical regions. Asset allocation is essential for a financial investor to become successful and is an effective way to reduce the amount of risk that an investor’s portfolio faces. In the past, asset allocation was not the main focus for investors. Instead,…

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Charts on desk

Tips For Spring-Cleaning Investment Portfolios

Now that the winter months are behind us, many people have already kick-started their spring cleaning routine. Many spring cleaning routines involve cleaning out the clutter and rejuvenating the inside of a home. However, for financial investors, in addition to being the perfect time to clean a home, spring is a great time to clean up their investment portfolio. If…

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charts and a laptop on desk

A Introduction To Exchange Traded Funds

Exchange Traded Funds, also known as ETFs, have been one of the most brilliant and successful financial developments in recent years. First introduced in the early 1990’s, the demand for ETF’s has grown significantly, as the fund’s features have been attractive to both individual and institutional investors. In fact, in the past ten years alone, the total net assets of…

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Tips for Effective Momentum Investing

There are many different investment strategies out there, and one of the lesser-known strategies is momentum investing. While momentum investing is often denounced as an unreliable and risky way to grow portfolio returns, this investment strategy still has its fair share of returns and rewards. Even though it isn’t the first-preferred investment strategy for investors, it can be beneficial to…

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